Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Childbirth class

Yesterday morning I wasn't doing so well so I stayed home from work. It was a good thing I did because later that afternoon I decided to check on Childbirth classes. The only ones left was one for an all day this Saturday, which is also when Emalea's birthday party is, and another all day saturday 6 days before Maggie's due date. Then there was the 5 week schedule that started last night. I called and we got in on that one and went to our first class. There were 17 other couples signed up for that class so it's really full. I didn't learn much new information (since I do TONS of reading), but I think Mike learned some things and I did have some questions that the nurse ansered for me. I'm looking forward to the other classes.
After we got home and in bed I was laying on my right side so my belly was resting on the bed. All of a sudden Maggie moved so much that I thought Mike had put his hand between my belly and the bed. I felt for his hand and he wasn't there. It's crazy to think how big she is getting and how her movements feel now compared to a few weeks ago!
Now for something off the point... Jael is selling girl scout cookies! If anyone would like some just let me or Angie know and we can order some for you.

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