Thursday, August 27, 2009

6 Month Dr. Visit!

So I'm a little late on this one. I took Maggie in for her 6 month check up on Monday. She was 25 1/2 inches (40th percentile) and 18lbs (80th percentile). The Dr. said everything looks like she is doing well. She reacted well to the shots too. Our little girl is growing so fast. She has started waking up in the middle of the night though. I think it's because more teeth are trying to come in. Poor little girl.
Yesterday was a very busy day. I didn't get many things done that I would have liked to, but Maggie and I got to go with Angie to look at houses and found one that is going to be their new home.
I have several pictures (of course) but don't have them on this computer. I'll have to do that later.


Mom of 2 Cuties said...

We loved the Hyland's teething tablets...all natural. They worked wonders with our girls. I hope she starts sleeping better for you.

Tara said...

She's growing about the same as Bransen. He was 17 lbs 14 oz. and 26 3/4 inches last month at his 6 mon. check up. I'm glad to hear Angie found a house. Let us know if she needs help moving.

Sarah Brown said...

We love the Hyland's teething tablets too. Mike's brother and sister-in-law told us about them. His brother says they work for braces too. :)
Bransen and Maggie are close in size. I told you I use him as a guide line. :) I know not to compare, but it helps to know what to look for. I also read a lot about what to expect, but it's more fun to see it(especially when the example is so cute!)

Tara said...

You are more than welcome to come jump/sit anytime! If you want it calmer you can come on Tuesday or Thursday mornings because the older two will be at school and Bransen doesn't jump to hard yet. :)

Tara said...

I'm not much help about the bat questions. I don't know how often they are there. This is the first time they have ever shown them to us so I'm guessing it's a hit and miss thing. We can't remember for sure if the bat on the ground was dead or alive. Some of them would fall down when you opened the door to look at them.